Exhibition-action, which unites varied exhibits of old military
arms of the Caucasus and other peoples of the world are displayed
as of an anti-terrorist nature and this is why we relate it to the
biggest problem of the contemporary time – terrorism and the
terrorist act of September 11.
The owner of this
unique collection, well-known Georgian artist Vladimir Kandelaki,
dedicated the exhibition to the victims of the terrorist acts
committed lately throughout the world – in New York, London,
Russia, Israel and other places.
Latin expression
"Ex oriente lux" (The light from the East), obviously, does not
mean only the physical Sun (light), but also a moral light, too.
In Georgia, at junction of the West and East, such exhibition
can be called “The Peace from the East”, since the main idea of
the exhibition and its motto is transformation of all kinds of
arms into museum exhibits in the future world.
Famous museum
specialists, historians and art experts express their position
with regard to this indeed rare collection. It was mentioned, that
in terms of originality and quantity, even most famous museums of
the world do not possess these types of arms.
Considering the
fact that as of 1990s the artist Vladimir Kandelaki resides in the
US, America for him is the most important country after Georgia.
In one of the
variants of Ernest Hemingway’s novel title “Farewell to Arms” for
this particular exhibition it would read “Farewell to Arms in a
Caucasian manner”… The arms will only turn into museum exhibits in
the future.
We hope, that this amazing collection, in full (here only a part
of it is displayed), will be described and processed in accordance
with the museum specifics. And in the future, these exhibits as
well as paintings of the artist, which were displayed in Tbilisi,
New York, Atlanta, Moscow, Washington, Philadelphia and other
cities, will finally rest in one, speciall place and
such place will be found in Tbilisi. |