Catalogs, Articles and Reviews

Mishveladze |
Mtserloba” a newspaper, 2003. |
Nancy Trejos |
“Cronically Injustice
Through Art” Washington Post, Washington, DC, USA,
02/20/2000 |
Cristian Toto |
“Dodging Soviet Censors or
Decedant Art”, Washington Times, Washington, DC, USA,
02/21/2000 |
Al. Rozhin |
“Contemporary Art”, catalog.
Moscow, Russia, 2000 |
N. Zaalishvili |
“Vladimer Kandelaki-Familiar
& Unknown”, Omega, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2000 |
K. Tsagareli |
“Magic Brush”, Svobodnaya
Grusia, #312, Tbilisi, 1999 |
Victor B. Forbes |
“Vladimir Kandelaki”,
Sunstorm Fine Arts, New York, 1998 |
Norton Dodge, |
Professor Emeritus at St.
Mary’s College of Maryland, “The Making of a Nonconformist
Artist”, Introductory letter for the monographic book
“Vladimir Kandelaki-Between Two Worlds”, New York, 1998 |
Thora Jacobson, |
Director of The Fleisher
Art Memorial, “V. Kandelaki-Between Two Cultures”,
Introductory letter for the monographic album “V.
Kandelaki-Between Two Worlds”, New York, 1998 |
Janet Kennedy, |
An Associate Professor of
Art History at Indiana University, “Community and Continuity
in Vladimir Kandelaki’s Festive Processions ”Essay for the
monographic book “V. Kandelaki-Between Two Worlds”, NY, 1998 |
Matthew Baigell, |
Professor of Art History at
Rutgers University, “Vladimir Kandelaki”, Essay for the
monographic book, New York, 1998 |
Mark Shinn, |
“Spiritual World of Vladimir
Kandelaki”, Fine Arts Magazine, NY, 1998 |
Bennett Forbes, |
“The Georgian Soul of
Vladimir Kandelaki”, SunStorm Fine Arts magazine,
Ronkonkoma, New York, 1998 |
Kachkachishvili, |
presentation of the book –
“V. Kandelaki-Between Two Worlds” in |
Sharashidze |
Moscow and in Tbilisi;
Number of TV programs and articles in |
Jangirashvili, |
magazines and newspapers:
“Miror”, “Maestro”, “Republik of Georgia”, “Moscow News”,
etc., Tbilisi, Moscow, 1998 |
Dikovitskaia, |
Kandelaki’s Paintings”, Mir-Magazine, Phila, PA USA 1996 |
Piotr Vegin, |
„The Knight of
the Brush and Knight Himself“, Kontact-Los Angeles, 1995 |
Maya Pritsker, |
Show at the United Nations”, “Novoe Russkoye Slovo”, New
York, 1995 |
Prostorov, |
“Between Two Worlds”,
“Tvorchestvo”, Moscow, 1994 |
Jerry Oller, |
“Kandelaki at
the PAA”, “Art Matters”, 1994 |
Robin Rice, |
“Spirit and
Manflash”, Philadelphia City Paper, 1994 |
Argires, |
“The Ways We
Have Chosen”, Novoye Russkoe Slovo, NY, 1993 |
Yohalem, |
“The Art of
Vladimir Kandelaki”, KOAN, Washington. DC, 1992 |
Edward Sozanski |
“Viewing Life
in Georgia Under the Soviets”, The Philadelphia Inquirer,
Jennifer Linn,
“Hard Landing
for the Soviet Artist”, “The Philadelphia Inquirer”, 1992 |
Janet Koridze, |
Kandelaki”, Catalog (in Russan) for exhibition at the
Central House of Artists (never held, because V. Kandelaki
was in the USA by that time), Kuznetski Most, Moscow, 1992 |
Evgeni Argires, |
“Art of
Vladimir Kandelaki”, “Art Matters”, Philadelphia, 1992 |
J. Robinson, |
“The Artist
Looks for a Success in the South”. The Douglassville Country
Newspaper, 1991 |
Andronikashvili, |
“Victories To
You”, “Isskustvo”, Moscow, 1990 |
Nicolaishvili, |
Kandelaki”, Introductory letter for the catalog for
exhibition at the
Palace for
Georgian Artists, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, 1990 |
Ia Mukhraneli,
Kandelaki”, Introductory letter for the album, Tbilisi, 1987 |
Tabukashvili, |
Interview With
Vladimir Kandelaki, “Soviet Arts”, vol., #4, 1987 |
Kipshidze, |
Catalogue for
the exhibitions in Finland, 1975 |